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Tesla's New 'Smart Summon' Feature Reportedly Crashes a Car Into a Garage

Tesla owners who paid for "full self-driving capability" received a software update this week with a Smart Summon feature. In private parking lots, and always within line of sight, the Tesla will magically make its way to an awaiting owner. "Smart Summon can be stopped at any point by the owner removing their finger from a button on the phone app, at which point the car stops immediately..." reports Jalopnik. But their article cites some critical tweets -- including one Twitter user who complained their Tesla "went forward and ran into the side of garage... Be forewarned... Enhanced summon isn't safe or production ready." Jalopnik writes: Again, impressive tech, but I can get any 15 year old with a learner's permit to ram a car into the side of a garage for a lot less money. I mean, it's cool advanced AI can now drive into the side of a garage, I guess... On the plus side, sure, it's great for impressing people and not getting wet in the rain or having to walk to your car, possibly with a bunch of heavy crap, but at the same time, when has it ever been okay to attempt to be "in control" of your car from potentially across a parking lot? There's plenty of cases where Smart Summon has worked just fine. And yes, people do stupid shit in parking lots every day. Tesla does specify that it's a Beta release, which is fine for most software, but does it make sense when that software is driving a full-sized car in a public space? This is a tricky one. I'm pretty sure we'll see more Smart Summon issues and fender-benders because the world is messy and confusing. The article also questions whether the Tesla will notice when it's driving the wrong way down a one-way parking lot lane -- since it appears to be doing just that in the test lot where Tesla filmed the Smart Summon introductory video.

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Tesla's New 'Smart Summon' Feature Reportedly Crashes a Car Into a Garage Reviewed by Unknown on 17:54 Rating: 5

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