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New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What Happened to Pinboard (April '22 edition)?

Ask HN: What Happened to Pinboard (April '22 edition)?
37 by ihodes | 11 comments on Hacker News.
There have been threads like this before (last one in 1.5 months ago:, but I'm not really sure what to do. I've emailed Maciej on 4/13/21, 12/11/21, and 4 times in the past month (a more urgent issue) with no response. Full-text search is regularly broken, archiving doesn't work sometimes, and most recently my >5yr archiving account was disabled on 4/1 with no warning or ability to re-up, so as far as I know I've lost archived bookmarks from up to a decade ago (don't remember when I turned on the service). It doesn't look like When I tried to re-up my archiving account, I selected 10 years, but was charged for 1 year (without the 10 yr discount, of course) instead. I really have enjoyed using Pinboard, and have been since at least 2011 (when the entry was created in 1pw), but this is a bummer and I'm not sure what to do. I really respect Maciej and wish him the best, and would love to keep using Pinboard.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What Happened to Pinboard (April '22 edition)? Reviewed by Unknown on 12:18 Rating: 5

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