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New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: PayPal dismissed my claim, saying I didn't provide evidence (yet I did)

Ask HN: PayPal dismissed my claim, saying I didn't provide evidence (yet I did)
34 by fer | 19 comments on Hacker News.
Hi. I apologize in advance, but it looks like it's my turn for social media big tech support. I had a situation where OVH abused a PayPal authorization to charge me 1200€ for a "private cloud" credit I never asked. OVH refuses to refund me changing the reason for it every time, but well, that's another topic. I filed a PayPal dispute, I added exchanges with OVH as evidence, where they constantly insist on me having this "credit" still available for me to use, and my insisting on not wanting it for any purpose (the 12€ I added were enough for my test) and not having ordered it. Finally, PayPal ruled in favor of OVH claiming that I "never provided documentation to prove this credit". Not only I did (OVH messages), but nobody asked me for evidence at any point: I could have provided extra information/screenshots where it is shown. I am positive OVH was requested multiple times for documentation to support their claims, but that was never the case for me, not sure if that's normal. Now I'm stuck with an absurd amount of credit on a cloud service I have no use for (and worse, it expires in a year), and apparently there's no UI option for me to contest this PayPal ruling. Phoning them I found no option to talk to a person. Other than lawyering up and contacting consumer protection organisations, what else is there to do? Anyone at PayPal can give me a hint? Thanks in advance.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: PayPal dismissed my claim, saying I didn't provide evidence (yet I did) Reviewed by Unknown on 11:12 Rating: 5

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