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New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why is everything a SaaS product?

Ask HN: Why is everything a SaaS product?
7 by kevivni | 6 comments on Hacker News.
I understand the advantages of Saas - transparent updates, cloud based, redundancy, subscriptions, scaling, unicorns etc. Why don't we have more businesses following the JetBrains model specially if the product is not a service that needs to run 24/7. I buy the product once and use it for perpetuity. If I want updates, I pay more. As a consumer, my data does not leave my perimeter, my data is not sold or used for ads and I am not hooking into a subscription that I am going to forget soon. 1) Personal photos and videos backup and viewer. - Just give me a cheap cloud for backup and a desktop app for viewing. 2) Personal budget - Just give me a desktop app that connects to my different accounts and gives me overview.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why is everything a SaaS product? Reviewed by Unknown on 12:12 Rating: 5

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