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New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: – compiler that turns Justfiles into portable shell scripts

Show HN: – compiler that turns Justfiles into portable shell scripts
12 by jstrieb | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Justfiles are like Makefiles, except Just is a command runner, whereas Make is a build system. As I understand it, Just was built to be a less arcane version of Make for collecting commands common to a code repository. When I first learned about Just, I realized that parsing arguments and running commands is exactly what shell scripts do, and there probably isn't much Just does that sh doesn't. This project proves that hypothesis by compiling Justfiles to portable (POSIX-compatible) shell scripts. is particularly useful for running Justfiles in esoteric environments where Just may not be straightforward to install, such as some CI/CD pipeline environments.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: – compiler that turns Justfiles into portable shell scripts Reviewed by Unknown on 10:12 Rating: 5

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