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New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What do you do to recharge after a day of work?

Ask HN: What do you do to recharge after a day of work?
30 by ali92hm | 33 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, Like many of you I want to be able to enjoy my evenings after work by either reading books, spending time with friends, learning something new, working on side projects, workout, or running errands. However, I'm typically way too tired to get myself off the couch on most days to do anything and unfortunately I cannot take a nap or sleep to recharge. I'm only able to consume easy to digest content in this state. This was both the case with WFH or going to the office. The other day I took a shower after I got back home and it was extremely recharging. I've been forcing myself to walk into the office which gives me a separation between work and home and also forces me to walk 30 mins to and from the office which is a great daily exercise. What have worked for you that allows you to recharge after a day of work so you can use the evening for the activities you like to do?

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What do you do to recharge after a day of work? Reviewed by Unknown on 11:12 Rating: 5

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